Security on high alert in the courtroom

By Nick R. Martin | January 6th, 2009 | 12:35 pm | No Comments »

A witness testifies in October 2008 during the opening days of the trial against Dale Hausner. Pool photo

Live from the courtroom: With Samuel Dieteman expected to testify this afternoon, security has been tightened in the courtroom. Jurors and spectators already have to pass through a metal detector when they first enter the courthouse, but the court security staff has set up a second detector just outside the door to the courtroom.

On top of it, a small contingent of deputies combed the courtroom during the lunch break, looking for devices or weapons that might have hidden in secret places. They even inspected the jury box and the judge’s bench, just for safe measure.

These are rare moves, but given the high stakes of today’s testimony, they seem warranted.